How To Use An Ansible Role From A Playbook

To use an Ansible role from a playbook, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a playbook file, for example, playbook.yml.
  2. In the playbook file, define the hosts or host groups that the playbook will apply to, using the hosts keyword. For example:
---- name: My playbook  hosts: myhosts
  1. Define the roles that you want to use in the roles section of the playbook. For example:
---- name: My playbook  hosts: myhosts  roles: - myrole
  1. Save the playbook file.
  2. Create a directory called roles in the same directory as the playbook file.
  3. Inside the roles directory, create a directory for your role. For example, if your role is named myrole, create a directory called myrole.
  4. Inside the myrole directory, create the necessary files and directories for your role, including tasks/main.yml, vars/main.yml, handlers/main.yml, and any other files that are required for your role.
  5. Save the files and directories for your role in the appropriate locations within the myrole directory.
  6. Save the playbook file and run it using the ansible-playbook command, specifying the location of the playbook file. For example:
ansible-playbook playbook.yml

This will run the playbook and apply the role to the specified hosts or host groups. Ansible will automatically look for the role in the roles directory and apply it to the hosts as specified in the playbook.

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